Farscape Encyclopedia Project
Farscape Encyclopedia Project
Kaarvok has a little snack
First appearance (3.06 "Eat Me")
Last appearance (3.06 "Eat Me")
Gender Male
Affiliation Independent
Age Deceased
Vehicle of Choice Rovhu
Weapon of Choice Strength, Brain tissue extraction spike
Portrayed by Shane Briant


A former prisoner of the Peacekeepers on the Leviathan Rovhu, a being of unknown species with visible cybernetic implants on his head, and imprisoned for unspecified crimes, Kaarvok was quite insane. The only prisoner on Rovhu, he somehow managed to stage a break-out while Rovhu was in transit, subsequently using a device in his possession - whether he created it himself or acquired it was never made clear - to 'twin' the Peacekeepers. He was also able to establish some degree of control over the security systems the Peacekeepers had installed on Rovhu, possibly through cybernetic means. His original motives for doing this are unclear, but as time went on it became essential to his survival as Rovhu's food stores ran out. Although Kaarvok claimed that the process simply 'twinned' the people it was exposed to, thus leaving both equally valid versions of the original individual, repeated twinning had a negative effect on the subject's mind, resulting in the Peacekeepers reverting to cannibalistic primitives - referred to by Kaarvok as the Xarai - who ate everything from parts of Rovhu to each other. His insanity was only ended when John Crichton, D'Argo, Chiana, and Jool were forced to land on Rovhu when their transport pod malfunctioned, Kaarvok 'twinning' D'Argo, Chiana and Crichton, killing one of the D'Argos and eating one of the Chianas before he was killed in a confrontation with Crichton. Even after his death, however, the twinned John Crichton remained, causing a complex change in Moya's crew that would have a significant impact on them all- particularly Crichton and Aeryn- for the rest of the series.


  • I doubled you. I twinned you. Two D'Argos. Equal and original. And tasty. I've never twinned a Luxan before.
  • As you can see, once you've been twinned thirty or forty times... you're not much good for conversation. Not that you're especially witty right now.


