Farscape Encyclopedia Project
Farscape Encyclopedia Project
We will learn your secrets!
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Cover 7B

Cover B

Next Stop, Grennij Village is the third issue of the fifth arc of the Farscape comic series set after The Peacekeeper Wars and the seventh issue of the series as a monthly, ongoing title.

Publisher's Summary[]

Who are the Grennij? Crichton and Aeryn have seen their fair share of strange creatures but nothing like this. Never before have they seen such firepower, aggression and viciousness. This is the strangest race the crew of Moya have met. And it may be the last!




Organizations and Titles[]

Sentient Species[]

Vehicles and vessels[]

Weapons and Technology[]



  • Greenwich Village
  • James T. Kirk / Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek)
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Monty Python)