Farscape Encyclopedia Project

These portly bipeds have heads and facial features that resemble those of terran frogs. Their skin appears leathery and looks as if the species may be amphibious. They can spit fireballs, the fuel for which is stored in their chest. Older or weakened Sheyangs may use an injection of Taakar serum to stimulate fireball production. They will also explode if shot.

Sheyangs are known as cowardly spacefaring scavengers and mercenaries, taking whatever they can find. If they sense strength in an opponent, they will flee; if they sense weakness, they will attack mercilessly. The one Sheyang vessel observed to date used a plasma conductor or generator which could fire only one shot and then had to recharge for a time before it could fire again.


  • (1.01 "Premiere")
  • (1.07 "PK Tech Girl")
  • (2.20 "Liars, Guns And Money - With Friends Like These")
  • (2.21 "Liars, Guns And Money - Plan B")
  • (4.07 "John Quixote") (Simulation)