Yemahl was a Sebacean religious figure who was later defied by his followers.
The study of Yemahl was said to have gone back thousands of cycles, to the earliest days of the Sebacean species. In modern times the faith unfortunatley has been suppressed by the main inheritors of the Sebecean people, the Peacekeepers. It has only endured being forgotten by those who secretly practice it or are beyond the authority of the militant organization.
The teachings of Yemahl were the foundation of the primary religion of Prybella. Traditionally leaders of the faith are called Speakers and such positions are reserved for only Jjaal-Sebacean, the purest Sebacean bloodline, though in recent years this rule has been waived.
The teachings are composed of at least three tomes and promoted pacifism and peace, though some of the followers had interesting interpretations. Rather embrace pure peace and non-violence the inhabitants of Prybella employed the use of passive agressive tactics against those who slightest them either through acts of sabotage or indirect attacks.
The true teachings though preaches a complete lack of confrontation, to avoid conflict, and also understanding, peace and forgiveness.(citation needed • edit)
The faith would have fallen into obscurity had it not been rediscovered by Aeryn Sun who was given a set of Books of Yemahl from her former lover Tam Velorek. Though originally dismissing them as nonsense, Aeryne slowly began have a spiritual revelation.